Piloting the use of Participatory Rangeland Management Project (PRM) was a four-year project funded by the European Union (EU). Implemented in Kenya and Tanzania, the project aimed to attain secure and better use of rangelands through a participatory management model. The project was anchored on three key result areas:
  1. Result 1: Participatory Rangeland Management has been undertaken in the shared grazing areas of six clusters of villages in Tanzania and four sub-counties in Baringo County Kenya.
  2. Result 2: Capacities of local and national governments, and pastoral communities to implement PRM are strengthened.
  3. Result 3: Local and national guidelines and strategies on Participatory Rangeland Management are developed and implemented.


In Kenya the project covered four Sub-Counties including Tiaty, Baringo South, Mogotio and Baringo North in Baringo County. Specific sites include three (3) conservancies and one (1) community forest in Irong (Baringo North), Kabarion (Baringo South), Koitegan (Mogotio), and Paka (Tiaty) while in Tanaznia the project covered six pilot sites namely, Ruvuremit in Simanjiro District, Lesingita in Longido District OLENGAPA, ALLOLE, KIMBO and NAPALAI (in Kiteto District).


PRM employed a collaborative approach to rangelands management through a diverse partnership. Fundend by the EU through the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) administered by the International Land Coalition (ILC) and operationalized by Resource Conflict Institute (RECONCILE) and Tanzania Resource Forum (TRF). The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) provided technical support while Vétérinaires sans Frontières (VSF) Belguim spearheads policy advocacy under the Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African Pastoralism (CELEP)


  1. Increased hectares of rangelands undertaking activities to improve rangelands productivity. A total of 337,15.18 ha. of land identified and secured land secured. (85,629.2 ha. Kenya; 251,385.98 Tanzania)
  2. 10 rangelands management institutions established with 45% women representation (6 in Tanzania and 4 in Kenya)
  3. Enhanced collaboration in the governance and management of rangelands with the government and among partners. This 3was realized through the multi-stakeholders plat6forms and joint programming
  4. Increased awareness and participation in rangelands management activities by communities Over 1,593 people directly participated in PRM activities in Kenya, including 419 women (26.3%) and around 50,000 pastoralists and agro pastoralists.