Resource Conflict Institute (RECONCILE) is a policy research, advocacy and capacity building organization on land, environment and natural resources, implementing its programs in Eastern Africa.
Who We Are
Our Profile
We are a non – governmental organization registered in Kenya in 2001, working in the broader Eastern Africa Region, currently implementing programs in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Through strategic partnerships, we contribute to regional and global processes, initiatives and campaigns. We are part of regional and global networks and coalitions like the International Land Coalition (ILC), currently leading the thematic area 3 Diverse Tenure Systems (Rangelands and Pastoralist Platform) in Africa. We are a member of the Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African Pastoralism (CELEP) currently the Regional Focal Point for Eastern Africa. As part of a global campaign on the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralist (IYRP), we are the Co-chair of the International Regional Support Group (IRSG). As a research institution, we are a collaborating partner of CGIAR Centers International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), International Rice Resource Institute (IRRI), Collaborating member of International Rights and Resources (RRI).
We work closely and in partnership with UN institutions (FAO, IFAD, UNCCD) Intergovernmental organizations (IGAD, ICPALD, AU-IBAR, CABI, KALRO) and INGOs relevant government institutions like, land, environment, water, forestry, wildlife, livestock among others.
Our lean but, skilled team are supported by a pool of experts from our established Community of Practice (CoP) in East Africa who contributes in the advancement of our work nationally, regionally and globally.
A society where policies, laws and institutions guarantee sustainable use and management of natural resources
Promote policies, laws, partnerships and institutions that empower resource dependent communities in Eastern Africa to effectively participate in natural resource and conflict management for improved livelihood
Strategic Objectives
Board Members