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Land Governance and Tenure Security

Establish robust institutional frameworks for the management of land and natural resources.


Sustainable Rangelands Governance and Management

Integrate customary and statutory practices for the effective management of rangeland resources.


Climate Change, Livelihoods, and Food Security

Strengthening community-based institutions through capacity building and technology utilization.

Who We Are

Resource Conflict Institute (RECONCILE) is a policy research, advocacy and capacity building organization on land, environment and natural resources, implementing its programs in Eastern Africa

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Our Partners

Our work is made possible through the support of donors and partners

Delivery mechanisms

Providing independent evidence (science & practice) based policy advice natural resources policies, to inform policy formulation implementation & review
Public policy forums on participatory and collaborative Natural Resources Governance and Investsment
Building partner institutional capacity to safeguard the resource governance
Facilitating independent and open dialogue with civil society on the environmental implications of growth and development
Public interest litigation on environment and natural disasters
Undertaking public private partnership in addressing investment related conflicts in natural resource management

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One of the key steps in developing a participatory Rangelands management plan is a resource mapping process: a process meant to bring out the occurrence, distribution, access and use of resources within the economic and cultural domains of a specific community.

Under the GREENPARK project, an action funded by BMZ through @WHH_Kenya, RECONCILE in partnership with Makueni county government is holding a duty bearers (Executive members, County Assembly and Technical Staff) dialogue on climate change financing in the county.@OfficialMakueni


RECONCILE is one of the beneficiaries of the Chukua Control project funded by BMZ through @WHH_Kenya and being implemented by @PacidaKenya. This week, RECONCILE joined other CSOs in a Gender Equality Social Inclusion (GESI) training hosted in Nairobi


In partnership with @Welthungerhilfe-Kenya and @CaritasKitui we supported some members of the Kitui County Steering Group to visit several GREENPARK Project sites to monitor and evaluate project progress as per the updates we share during CSG meetings


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Come see us

Resource Conflict Institute (RECONCILE),
Off Oginga Odinga Road,
Ngei Estate (Next to Evans Sun Rise Hospital).

+254 722 256059