Regional Rangelands and Pastoralism Resilience is a Pastoralist Tenure Project funded by the Home Planet Fund through Rights and Resource Initiative with the focus to Build effective governance systems and frameworks to secure resilient pastoralism and rangelands in East Africa. The project recognizes Pastoralism as an adaptive livelihood that not only maximizes the resources in the ASALs but also fusses culture with the natural landscape thus promoting ecological integrity. It requires secure land and natural rights for sustainability.
Other initiatives that have been brought together by this regional resilience project include Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African pastoralism (CELEP), the platform for advocacy and awareness of the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists. The platforms strengthened are very in monitoring and advocating pastoralists customary land tenure and resource rights as well as issues of Indigenous Peoples and policy issues. This has contributed to regional learning and experience sharing through case studies and good practices through documentation and documentaries.
This approach therefore is designed to have pastoralists and indigenous Peoples issues prioritized and to address challenges policy and governance, land and natural resource management sustainable development of rangelands through participatory planning, and to create an enabling environment for functional, healthy and productive sustainable pastoralism and rangelands management across East Africa.