East Africa Solidarity Platform (EASPO) is a 4-year project funded by The Christensen Fund (TCF) running through to 2023 and is implemented in 2 Phases in East Africa (Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania). Phase 1 was implemented in 2020 to 2021 whereas phase 2 preceded in 2021 and will run through to 2023. The project purpose is to facilitate dialogues, learning, promote knowledge transfer and establishment of a Community of Practice (CoP) to advance technical contribution to policy and legislation in East Africa. In the expected broader scale, the project shall also enable the development of tools to guide, coordinate and fast-track the documentation and registration of pastoralists land rights through the ongoing registration of community lands in Kenya. RECONCILE as the coordinator of Rangelands Initiative Africa, is using this to provide broader opportunities for contributing to the securing of the tenure rights for pastoralists as rangeland users. In doing so, the project addresses knowledge gap, power imbalance and week community structures being experienced in the registration of community lands in pastoral areas.

The second phase of the project shall now upscale the application of the outputs from phase one by supporting the community of practice members through their affiliate institutions to develop further the defined thematic study areas and apply this information at the community, national and regional levels.

This project is delivered through convening of a Community of Practice and Multi-Stakeholders at National levels to support the ongoing community land registration processes in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania and providing national and regional platforms for learning, learning, sharing and promoting best practices through national and regional pastoralists weeks and regional pastoralism and land governance forum.

The project second phase is delivered through Consolidating, packaging of technical documents for advocacy and policy direction with regards to tenure and resource rights of the resources users (Indigenous Peoples (IPs,) and pastoralists; Supporting the CoP to establish links with research papers to communities creating a direct learning and use of research outcomes to build resilience and deepen their understanding of steps towards securing resource rights based on evidence generated through action research and best practices; Supporting national level learning and sharing of different lessons and best practices generated from the participatory action research and establish regional linkages within the East Africa and targeted partnership with IGAD Land Governance programme

  1. State and community in land governance and management – reconciling competing imperatives
  2. Gap between promise and reality of land reforms for communal land tenure – challenge of policy implementation
  3. Relationship between titling, security of tenure and community land
  4. Interrogating the notion and reality of equality of communal land to other tenure systems upon titling and registration
  5. Challenges, opportunities and implications of communal land registration and titling for pastoral land use and pastoralists’ land rights
  6. Interactions between conservation and communal land rights – challenges and opportunities
  7. Compulsory acquisition of communal land – key considerations, practice and challenges
  8. Implications of communal land titling and registration for women, youth, PwDs and minorities